Mary Karr's Photos
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2008-05-01 17:42:33

2008-05-01 17:49:55

Cleaning time
2008-05-01 17:47:13

Drum Roll please, presenting The Monkey Boys
2008-05-01 17:53:32

I'm Buff, don't you think?
2008-05-01 17:52:39

Molly and Eeyore
2008-05-01 17:50:34

Monkey Boys Tug-O-War
2008-05-01 17:51:46

Rex Baby
2008-05-01 17:45:24

Three babies in a large Comfy Rattie Tube
2008-05-01 17:48:46

Two boys - Aren't they cute?
2008-05-01 17:54:08

Whiskers tickle
2008-05-01 17:43:50

You wanted me?
2008-05-01 17:44:42

Young rattie with fuzz
2008-05-01 17:41:38

Yummy finger Mom
2008-05-01 17:46:17

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